Assessing the Effective Factors on Conflicts between Vehicles and Pedestrians based on the Post Encroachment Time (Case Study:‌ Vesal-Bozorgmehr Intersection)

Document Type : Original Article


1 M.Sc. Grad., Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran.

2 Assistant Professor, Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran.


Paying attention to the effective causes of pedestrian safety is one of the components of urban transportation. Non-signalized intersections are considered a place with having high levels of risk because of happening many different conflict situations between vehicles and pedestrians. In this paper, the variables which are influential on the pedestrian safety based on the Post Encroachment Time are assessed. Such an assessing is done by linear regression models. For this purpose, the data was extracted observing a non-signalized intersection in Tehran called Vesal Shirazi-Bozorgmehr. The results demonstrate that the variables such as the vehicle, being a taxi and the pedestrians having unusual stops are effective in PET, having coefficients -0/08 and 0/38 respectively in 95 percent of reliability. Also, the number of pedestrians and vehicle's previous conflicts with other vehicles in the physical area of the intersection are effective, having coefficients equal to 0/04 and -0/05 respectively in 90 percent of reliability.


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