Effect of Motions Evaluation in Ship Routing


1 Research Assistant, Department of Mechanics, Sharif University of Technology

2 Associate Professor, Department of Mechanics, Sharif University of Technology


In specified limits of weather and sea conditions, the term optimum transportation is used to address maximum safety and crew comfort, minimum fuel consumption, minimum time underway, or any desired combination of these factors. Before defining such a goal function to optimize the transportation, one has to know about the ship reaction in waves. In other words, ship motions evaluation in different sea conditions is the base of ship routing.In this paper slamming rules as an important criterion in ship motions and its probability is investigated and predicted. By applying different motion’s constraints, evaluation of ship motions is also applicable. Limitations in maximum vertical acceleration of bridge and maximum roll angle are considered as the main criteria and speed polar diagram is plotted according to such restrictions. This yields the regions with minimum risk of damage and maximum safety. It must be remembered that the general method presented here, is also applicable for other sea keeping criteria and all types of floating bodies.
