Prioritization of Urban Roads Based on their Importance in Evacuation, Case of Bushehr

Document Type : Original Article


1 Isfahan University of Technology

2 Faculty member Dept. of Transportation Eng. Isfahan University of Technology

3 Department of Transportation Engineering Isfahan University of Technology



Emergency evacuation is widely recognized as a critical strategy widely adopted as a last resort to reduce disaster losses and widely studied and implemented across the world. Iran is known as one of the countries with several cities that are exposed to various potential disasters .This paper analyzes the strategies for widening critical streets, constructing new roads, contraflow at the time of evacuation, demand staging, as well as combined solutions for an urban emergency evacuation. The evacuation destinations were determined based on the citizens' willingness to choose a destination based on their distance from the line of threat. Routing was performed using the user optimization method. The importance of roads in terms of traffic flow / congestion as well as centrality indices (graph theory) were considered. A case study was conducted for the city of Bushehr in the event of two threats of leakage of radioactive materials from the nuclear power plant (point source with radial propagation) and tsunami (linear source with frontal propagation). The results show that the critical passages of the network can be identified based on the volume of traffic and the centrality of the intermediary. The results show that the critical passages of the network can be identified based on the volume of traffic and the centrality of the intermediary. The results also showed that the timing policy has a significant effect on reducing the emergency evacuation time.


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