Assessing the Risk of Coronavirus (COVID) Infection in different Modes of Transportation in Tehran

Document Type : Original Article


1 Ph.D., Candidate, Civil Engineering, Majoring in Transportation Planning, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Arts and Architecture, Tehran Science and Research, Tehran, Iran.

2 Assistant Professor, Civil Engineering, Majoring in Transportation Planning, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Arts and Architecture, Tehran Science and Research, Tehran, Iran.

3 M.Sc., Grad., Civil Engineering, Majoring in Transportation Planning, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Arts and Architecture, Tehran Science and Research, Tehran, Iran.


realized coronavirus epidemic covid has a significant impact on citizens' fashion choices. In this study, using a questionnaire that is distributed among patients in the masih daneshvari hospital in Tehran, using exploratory factor analysis, the risk of infection in different modes has been investigated. All questions are included in each... The first factor is economic conditions, the second factor is being exposed, the third factor is compliance with health protocols and the fourth factor is individual health. Men are more at risk due to more activity outside the home. People who have used public transportation mode are healthier but have been infected with the Corona virus. As a result, the incidence of the virus has increased with age due to a decrease in a personal health. The incidence is higher in the lower income group and the risk is higher for this group because these people are forced to use public transportation.


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