Hydrological and static analysis of reinforcing water bridges on Motahari-Kashmer railroad track with precast concrete pipes

Document Type : Original Article


1 Department of Civil Engineering, Amol Branch, Islamic Azad University, Amol, Iran

2 Department of Civil Engineering, Ayat Amoli Unit, Islamic Azad University, Amol, Iran

3 Rail transportation expert of IR. Railway Company

4 Faculty of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Semnan University

5 The head of the bridge group, General Directorate of Line and Technical Infrastructure of the IR.Railway Company



Over the past years, expelling the speed constraint of passenger trains, expanding the freight carrying capacity on railroad lines, and expanding the safety factor of rail traffic amid floods have been of particular significance. In this manner, retrofitting and strengthening the old bridges, which are the most structured to increase the capacity of the lines, has been placed within the organizational priorities of the railroad transportation authorities. The Kashmer-Motahari axis has lines with an axial load capacity of 20 tons. It is the bottleneck of the Bafaq-Sarkhes rail course, with lines with an axial load capacity of 25 tons. Between 764 and 887 kilometres of the Freeman-Kashmer railroad pivot, numerous bridges with stone foundations and concrete slabs can be strengthened with different barrages. One of the ways to extend the resistance of the specified bridges is to utilize resistant prefabricated concrete pipes inside their openings, which needs comparative investigations of the pressure-driven capacity of the bridge. Within the conducted studies, the hydrological studies of the watersheds related to the existing bridges were arranged, and the leading strategy of using prefabricated concrete pipes was considered. Moreover, the precast concrete pipe structure was modelled and analyzed in SAP 2000 version 17 software. At last, these bridges were reinforced using concrete pipes with an internal diameter of 70-80 cm inside the water passages. The sides of the water passages were levelled and prepared up to approximately 50 meters of the bridge for the proper passage of water.


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